Where to Invest in 2024: Guide to the Top Australian Cities to Invest your Property In

As time lurches toward 2024, many Australians may be wondering where to spend and invest their hard-earned money. As it stands, the property market remains to be a lucrative avenue where first time homeowners or long-time property investors can seek stable returns and long-term growth. With diverse landscapes, strong economic stability, and a tremendous demand for housing, The Land Down Under offers countless opportunities for positive yields in the area of property investment.

In this Amby Buyers Agency short guide, we will explore the best Australian cities for property investment in 2024, analysing the pros and cons, and shedding light on the costs of living in each city.


Sydney is the largest and most iconic city of Australia, and has long been a magnet for property investors. Touting a truly dynamic economy, world-class amenities, and vibrant cultural scene whether day or night, Sydney earns the top spot for those looking to invest in real estate.

As expected, the cost of living in Sydney is relatively high, reflecting its status and glimmering reputation as a global city. Expenses such as housing, transportation, and lifestyle can be significant, and investors should account for these factors when evaluating the overall feasibility of their investment.


  • Strong Economic Hub: Sydney is the economic heart of Australia, with a diverse economy spanning finance, technology, tourism, and more. Investors can benefit from a stable job market and growing industries.
  • High Demand: The city’s population continues to grow, resulting in a sustained demand for housing. This high demand contributes to the potential for strong capital growth in the long run.
  • International Appeal: Sydney’s global status attracts international investors, ensuring a cosmopolitan environment and a diverse tenant pool for future property owners.


  • High Property Prices: The main drawback of investing in Sydney is the high entry cost. Property prices in key areas are among the highest in the country, making it challenging for first-time investors to enter the market.
  • Traffic Congestion: Sydney is infamous for its traffic congestion, which can impact the desirability of certain suburbs. Investors should carefully consider the location and accessibility of their chosen property.


Known for its cultural richness and vibrant lifestyle, Melbourne is another key player in the Australian properties. With a diverse economy and a strong emphasis on arts and education, Melbourne stands proud as a compelling city to invest your property in.

While Melbourne’s cost of living is generally lower than Sydney’s, it is still relatively high compared to other Australian cities. As a potential investor, you should consider the impact of living expenses on your budget and potential rental yields.


  • Cultural Capital: Melbourne is renowned for its arts, music, and culinary scenes, making it an attractive city for residents and tourists alike. Properties in culturally vibrant areas may experience increased demand.
  • Education Hub: Home to prestigious universities and institutions, Melbourne’s status as an education hub contributes to a steady influx of students and potential tenants.
  • Diverse Economy: Melbourne’s economy spans finance, manufacturing, and technology, providing investors with a broad range of opportunities.


  • Overly Saturated Market: Melbourne’s property market can be competitive, with high demand leading to increased property prices. Investors must carefully analyse specific suburbs to identify pockets of potential growth.
  • Weather Conditions: Melbourne is known for its unpredictable weather, which may impact the appeal of certain locations. Coastal suburbs might be more resilient in terms of property value.

3.   PERTH

In recent years, Perth, the capital of Western Australia, has undergone a transformation, making the city one of the Mecca of property investment in the region. With a focus on resource industries and a growing population, Perth presents unique opportunities for would-be property investors. Compared to Sydney and Melbourne, Perth’s cost of living is generally lower, contributing to its overall affordability.


  • Resource Boom: Perth’s economy is closely tied to the resource and mining sectors, contributing to economic growth and employment opportunities. A resurgence in resource prices can positively impact the property market.
  • Beach Lifestyle: The city’s coastal location and abundance of natural beauty make it an attractive destination for those seeking a relaxed beach lifestyle.
  • Affordable Entry Points: While property prices have been rising, Perth still offers more affordable entry points compared to Sydney and Melbourne.


  • Economic Volatility: Perth’s economy is influenced by global commodity prices, making it susceptible to economic volatility. Investors should carefully monitor economic trends and diversify their portfolios.
  • Isolation: Perth’s isolation from other major cities can impact its connectivity and appeal to certain demographics. Investors should consider the implications for long-term property demand.


Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was often overlooked. But that’s bound to change as it has been gaining attention as a stable yet affordable investment hub. As such, Adelaide is an attractive option for investors seeking budget-friendly opportunities. The lower living expenses can positively impact the feasibility of any property invested in the city.


  • Affordability: Adelaide boasts relatively low property prices, providing investors with affordable entry points and the potential for attractive rental yields.
  • Growing Tech Hub: The city has been investing in becoming a technology and innovation hub, attracting a skilled workforce and contributing to economic growth.
  • Cultural Attractions: Adelaide’s cultural festivals and events contribute to its appeal, potentially increasing demand for properties in certain areas.


  • Slower Population Growth: Adelaide’s population growth has been slower compared to other major cities. While this can contribute to stable property prices, investors should carefully assess the potential for future demand.
  • Limited Employment Sectors: The economy, while diverse, is not as robust as those of Sydney or Melbourne. As a mild caveat, investors should consider the impact of such economic factors on property demand.

Each city presents a unique set of opportunities and challenges for property investors. Some, like Sydney and Melbourne, are economic powerhouses. Others, like Adelaide and Perth, may be affordable but offer strong growth potential. Ultimately, the best city to invest your property in 2024 is one that suits your goals, budget, and risk tolerance.

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